Get Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party at The Best Price
Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party - This solar LED lights fairy string is environment-friendly products with high
engey conversion rate and long working life, perfect for indoor & outdoor
decoration, such as Christmas party, bar, restaurant, etc.
New design, powered by solar energy.
Sealed process, with good waterproof performance.
100 LED super lights have 2 different modes of glimmering : flash and steady on.
Environment-friendly products, high energy conversion rate.
Solar powered panel with rechargeable batteries installed.
Solar powered panel is standed by a 20cm garden spike.
It can be placed in any location where the solar panel gets exposed to the sun
during the day.
The lamp is to work 8 hours at night after fully charged during the day.
Perfect for indoor & outdoor decoration, such as Christmas party, bar,
restaurant, etc.
Light color: Blue
Power: Solar Power 0.2W~0.5W peak
Ni-Mh batteries: AA size, 600mAH~1200mAH
Light source: 100
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This is The Best Selling Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party tends to SELL OUT VERY FAST!!
If you’re looking for recommended Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party, then Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party is our choice. Many good reviews already prove that this great product is very excellence. The Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party is a great item that is perfect for you, just compare its main features.
- New design, powered by solar energy.
- This solar LED lights fairy string is environment-friendly products with high engey conversion rate and long working life
- perfect for indoor & outdoor decoration, such as Christmas party, bar, restaurant, etc.
- 100 LED super lights have 2 different modes of glimmering : flash and steady on.
If this is a MUST HAVE product, be sure to order it right now to get the best deal and to prevent disappointment. Grab it on cheapest price on the web we have searched. >>> Click Here and get the Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party right now at an affordable price.
We are proud to present you Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party with excellent delivery, good quality and believe that you will find our prices competitive at the most affordable and reasonable price. We hope you will take advantage of this low price offer. Please do NOT hesitate to buy with us now.
Now available Innoo Tech 55ft/17m 100 LED Blue Solar Fairy String Lights for outdoor, gardens, homes, Christmas party with cheap price.
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